To see the differences between two versions of a file, double-click on the file name. This page is also available in the following languages How to set the default document language:. For other contact information, see the Debian contact page. The program is especially useful for: It depends on the diff command - a unix utility command. dirdiff

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If you just want to just use vimdiff without installing anything extra, the following command will open all the differing files in succession letting you look at the changes with vimdiff:.

DirDiff is very low-demanding when it comes to the CPU and system memory, has a good response time and works smoothly. Dirdkff can edit the patch before saving, and may wish to add explanatory text, instructions, or patch Prereq lines at the beginning.

Since installation is not a prerequisite, you can simply diriff the executable file to any location on the hard drive and run it. Doing the following will generate a diff window.

Package: dirdiff (2.1-7.2 and others)

Recursively compare and merge directories? Questions about Vim should go to the maillist. DirDiff works best with text files, but can also be used to compare any xirdiff of file to compare file timestamp and file size. Rob Bednark 4 4 bronze badges.


To report a problem with the web site, e-mail debian-www lists. You can use button 1 to select rirdiff individual checkbox, or shift-button 1 or button 3 to select a whole group. This will also close the window. It can be seamlessly figured out, even by users with little or no experience in such tools. If you are sending out patches, then the from directory should be the original version of the source.

dirdiff – Freecode

Is a VCS of any kind in use for your respective folders? I use a wrapper script in python to merge files see below. There's a lightweight solution for that: Identical files are not shown in highlights.


The preferred way now to install DirDiff is to use a pathogen like tools. The program is especially useful for: Dirdiff can handle up to 5 trees. Sign up using Facebook. This will also close the window. Post as a guest Name. Sets default exclude pattern: If you need support dirdidf a different operating system, please use the comment section below.

Add a quit option to close the diff windows. It displays a main window with a list of the files which are different between the trees, with colored squares to indicate the dirddiff ages of the versions. But it is possible to compare content of multiple files across directories in order to merge two directories recursively like DiffMerge and similar tools?

The line will be removed if it is already present or added dirrdiff it is not present.

Debian -- Details of package dirdiff in sid

For the moment, diff. June 7, Freeware. How do we handle problem users?


Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. It will add folds and side-by-side comparison for changed files. DirDiff was reviewed by Elena Opris. To save the patch, enter a filename in the patch window relative to the current directory, and choose Save.


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