Polytronics Published on Nov 23, Circuit Production and Up gradation is easier. The era of polymer electronics has taken a great start and all the technological companies have turned their entire research towards Polytronics. Embed Size px x x x x Resolution of the screen can be improved by coating glass substrate with a hydrophobic film of polyimide pattern. Manual for the Poly-com "6" Transceiver for 6 meters. This polytronics has some advantages over silicon technology. polytronics ppt

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PPT Polytronics Plastic Circuits Buzzpara - [PPT Powerpoint]

So I conclude that, in the forthcoming years Polytronics will accelerate the pace of the technological advancements and describe a new dimension in the near future. Based on OLED and innovative display, a device which can be rolled up while polytroncs having connectivity with internet world. Here is a look into how plastics would influence the world of electronics.

polytronics ppt

How the semiconductor polymer dries is very crucial. Real Time Display Updation. Photolithographic techniques are used to pattern wafers with microcircuit, which is grown in powerful vacuum, while the wafers are baked at temperatures of several hundred centigrades.

Embed Size px x x x x The substrates are made of acetate material that is as transparent as vugraph sheets.

Are you interested in this topic. This polytronics has some advantages over silicon technology.

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Finally gate is printed, creating a so called top gate transistor. This is possible through direct Inkjet Printing Technology.

Silicon has largely influenced the Electronics industry and would continue to do so over a period of time. FlexibleEasy Upgradation.

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We hope that, in the forthcoming years Polytronics will accelerate the pace of the technological advancements and describe a new dimension in the near future. They are then coated with polytronjcs layer of semiconducting polymer 9, 9-dioctyl flourene-co-bithiophene followed by a dielectric layer of polyvinylphenol.

Plastic Fibres are potentially stronger then glass fibres. Would help humans in body deformities Just like a Robotic Arm.

When the water based droplets fall on the surface they are forced polytrlnics from the hydrophobic regions in the required pattern. Circuit Production and Up gradation is easier.

Current Market is highly influenced by Silicon. They are of low cost and can be mass produced as the battery material is roughly 0. Can be rolled up like a paper.

Polytronics | Seminar Report, PPT, PDF for ECE Students

The molecular chains must line up in a way that makes it easy for an electron to hop from one chain to another, but the polymers tend ppr form into disordered microstructure that reduces electron charge. Microelectronics technology in conjunction with silicon is flexible enough to easy rolling up of circuits that consume less power and above all they can be manufactured at a fraction of cost involved in making semiconductor chips.

This technology has number of upcoming areas of interest where lot of research is going on to manufacture microelectronic components on plastic substrates which would allow manufacturing of gadgets through just printing process.

Can be rolled up like a paper www. Both of the Electrodes and Electrolyte used in batteries are made of Polymers.

PPT Polytronics Plastic Circuits Buzzpara

Resolution of the screen can be improved by coating glass substrate with a hydrophobic film of polyimide pattern. Then mail to us immediately to get the full report. Post on Oct views.

Polytronics Published on Nov 23, A piezoelectric material expands when a voltage is passed across it, pressing on a reservoir fluid and sending droplets flying out on to the substrates. Light Weight Reduced Shape and Size Can be recharged polytronice reused a number of times without loss of power.

If this technology emerges practically, the world of electronics will take a new leap.


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