Well, provider, you lost me here. Now it wants me purchase agaian and agian. I have to then reactivate premium via Google play. Maybe a merge tool or option would be nice because so far it is unusable at lest for me. This is a fraud. n7player unlocker 1.0.5

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It is now a completely broken app. Please, i beg put in an unlokcer to disable the fade ins when clicking on a song or when switching songs. And, provider, please don't respond with explaining why you did it.

n7player unlocker 1.0.5

Wasted my money on something that is broken, and never fixed. Android is a trademark of Google Inc. What is going here? Just do like other apps.

I have to then reactivate premium via Google play. No it has stopped working. This is theft, plain and n7plater. In poor internet area's ,or if the the authentication server is switched off, you will lose what you paid for.

n7player Music Player Unlocker

Bought this a long n7ppayer ago but it seems I have to reinstall everytime I want to pay a song as it starts showing me ads again. Forcing me to upgrade to version 3 which is worse than the previous one was bad enough, but forcing unlocker upgrade to the latest version that breaks existing valid licence - in contradiction to what is stated in unlocker app description - then claiming that I should buy the whole thing again, well, this is unbelievably low.

It clogs up my memory and my app screen. Now it keeps telling me all the paid things are premium and need another purchase.

Please fix this ASAP!!!! I just have to use the album viewv.

Download n7player Music Player Unlocker APK For Android

The app keeps saying my trial has expired and it's time to buy even though I've got this lock. You may need to restart your phone and try a couple times but it does still work. Dodgy developer conning users. This app is pissing me off purchas ed over a year ago. I have contacted n7 several times and I don't even get an answer, even less a solution. The second you wake up the screen, the music starts playing again.

Well, provider, you lost me here. I am in a area of poor internet connectivity, and every couple of weeks it reverts to the unpaid version until I restart with a working internet connection.

Without the support of those, like me, who purchased this app before, you would not have survived long enough to ask for our money again. You can also download com.

Doesn't appear to be a perpetual unlocker.

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Either provide the previous pro version for older users, or stop being greedy, and let this unlocker work for the new version. There are better options out there.

n7player unlocker 1.0.5

I call that "theft", since I can no longer use unloccker folder and equalizer feature anymore,though I paid for it already. I love this app, I paid for the unlocker to support the developers and avoid ads, and now I'm being told I need to buy something all over again?

I paid for an app and, since there was nowhere stated that the purchased license is temporary until a new version is issued, I want it to work with no restriction whatsoever. Why do we need n7plzyer separate unlocker for this app? However, as of late have experienced nothing but problems. I don't want to know.


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